
How to Kick Start Your Own Data Science Project - Hong Kong Real Estate?

This is a beginner level talk for those enthusiasts who are interested in data science and machine learning but have no idea how to kick start their own projects. In the talk, Yeung will use Hong Kong Real Estate as an example to show what kind of fundamental steps you will experience and complete in a data science project. The talk will cover from data scraping up to model deployment. If you have a specified topic want to start with but want some guidelines, you should not miss the talk!

DSC HKUST: Standing on Giants Shoulders Instead of Doing from Scratch (Tensorflow Hub Introduction)

The development of Deep Learning (DL) is growing fast. Github contains a massive amount of DL Models. If you try to utilize those models before, you may face some environment setup, configuration problem, model quality problem, etc. The talk is going to introduce Tensorflow Hub: Tensorflow Hub Introduction, how to reuse the pre-trained model easily, how to retrain the model for other tasks.

DSC HKUST: Building Blockchain Application with Solidity and Flutter

Blockchain technology is becoming more popular nowadays. In this session, you will be introduced the concepts of blockchain, smart contract, as well as using Solidity and Ethereum to build a simple blockchain app.

DSC CityU: How to automate your backend schema with typescript classes

Backend and Frontend developers now have amazing tools up their sleeves, ie. GraphQL SQL/No-SQL database, Firebase, etc, but there are always problems with communication for projects of teams, a distinct coding style might be difficult for managing states and resolving identical results in the different codebase. I hope to provide an alternative solution through this talk, where users worry less about implementation and more on software design. - A problem with backend and frontend synchronization - Graphql introduction - MongoDB + Mongoose Introduction - Typegraphql introduction - Typegoose introduction - A Graphql Server with Apollo and Angular demo.

DSC CityU: Deploy to Cloud! Using GCP to build a Kubernetes environment

Deploying to the cloud is one of the most important parts of nowadays business. No matter if you are a GCP, Azure, or AWS lover, using Kubernetes as your container orchestration software is definitely a future proof solution. This session is a beginner tech sharing that will demo how to deploy your project to the cloud. 1. Starting from scratch 2. Concept and architecture of K8s 3. Dockerize your project 4. Running image on pods 5. Deploy to GCP Kubernetes Engine

DSC HKU: Hollo’s startup journey with Google

Talk about how Hollo leverage Google tools such as G-suite, Tensorflow, etc at an early stage

Android topic TBC

Transform your website to PWA

Progressive Web App is more and more important on the development of website nowadays. Adding PWA to exists project is not that easy, you will be introduced on the way of adding PWA to your exists project.

Building dynamic UI with Jetpack Compose

- Why Jetpack Compose? - Jetpack Compose 1001 - How Jetpack Compose solves our real life problem more elegantly

Getting away with not writing documentation by using gRPC

Sorry for the click-bait title. But seriously, come and learn how a modern RPC framework can improve the workflow and communication of your team(s).

Your Browser’s UI thread is overworked, underpaid, and begging your help

- Why 99% of the Browsers’ UI threads are overworked - Why the UI thread is going to be underpaid? - Do You know your the UI Thread always send SOS signal to you? - Off load your tasks by natures. UI threads only do UI works.

Codelab: Build a DevFest Agenda Action for Google Assistant using Actions Builder

Hands-on workshop to build a DevFest Agenda voice assistant app on Google Assistant platform. This time we will use the newly announced web-based IDE "Actions Builder" in the Actions console to build the action together. Beginner level, will do few lines coding but having programming background is not necessary. Requires laptop/computer with chrome browser.

Modern Serverless deployment of a Reactive Container to the Cloud (1/2)

We have been hearing a lot about the benefits of using the reactive approach to solving concurrency problems in distributed systems. While reactive programming refers to the implementation techniques being used on the coding level, on the systems deployment and runtime level, we can leverage on a robust yet very flexible and lightweight framework such as Vert.x to deliver. In this session, we will first learn about what the missions of a reactive system are, which, among many things, include handling multiple concurrent data stream flows and being able to control back pressure as well as managing errors in an elegant manner. The very loosely-coupled nature of a reactive system also lends itself very well to building microservices that can communicate well within its messaging infrastructure. We will also discuss the special polyglot nature of Vert.x, its event loop, and its use of the Vertical model. Live coding will accompany this session to illustrate how to program a simple use case using multiple JVM languages such as Java and Kotlin, we will then build and dockerize it to be deployed as a serverless container to the Knative cluster on the cloud in a delightful manner.

Modern Serverless deployment of a Reactive Container to the Cloud (2/2)

What's New in Google Play

Tune in to hear the latest about Google Play that may be relevant for you!

A Journey to Modernize Our Software Systems

Have you ever given a thought on how to modernize 15 years old software systems? How about if they are written in 2 different countries by engineers from different tech backgrounds and in fact formerly being competitors? Do you think it is quick and easy to move from a data center to a modern cloud infrastructure? I’d talk about challenges and complexity to transform mature systems with millions of users to be supported around the clock. Join the session to find out about various ways to go about this journey, what worked and what didn't work for us.


Kotlin as a language for concurrency

You think of JavaScript and Go when you hear "concurrency". Let me show you how Kotlin does it better.

Generate pixel perfect PDF with web technology

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS are the most widely used technologies for creating web UI. This talk will teach you how to use the same technology to create a pixel-perfect PDF with these featured, auto paging support, dynamic header/footer, and most importantly high performance.

Build an interactive and searchable map using GeoDjango

Why you don’t need kubenetes

Why do people need docker and kubernetes? - How to achieve your mission without kubernetes in gcloud? - CloudRun / KNative in a nutshell

AutoML - Introduction, Use Cases and Demo

Cloud AutoML is a suite of machine learning products that enables developers with limited machine learning expertise to train high-quality models specific to their business needs. It relies on Google’s state-of-the-art transfer learning and neural architecture search technology. In this session we will go through what's available in this suite.

把 Ktor 部署到 Google Cloud 去 Jetbrains

Ktor 是由 JetBrains 以 100% Kotlin 打造的 Web 框架,其簡潔輕量、易懂好學的設計,讓其非常適合用於網路服務的開發。不過許多新手在學會 Ktor 後最常問的問題,就是該怎麼部署到雲端?在這場分享裡,將會分享如何將 Ktor 打包成 Container Image 後部署上雲。

Codelab "Mapping out"

Hands-on workshop about using Google Map API
